Monday, March 3, 2008

psoas running

Running is pretty key.

Especially when you are in a fully rolfed up, bone-fascial tensegrity structure.

yesterday I hit a whole new level of functionality, sweet, real sweet.

So basically i am running and then, almost dying, feeling the heat.

And then wham, afterburners kick in, and its easy street.

Being a bit of an anatomy buff, i was really listening to my body when this afterburner affect went into action, and what i realized was that a whole different set of muscles turned on.

illiacus and psoas involvement..... this is the key, as well as feeling the lateral edge strike and then a spongy rotation onto the medial arch / big toe "hinge". Once these feet start springing along, they trigger the psoas, to fire up and then: well you cant really put words to the magic.

there is also a slight inner rotation of the humerus, that i forgot to mention....

feel free to come by my movement studios for more on this phenomon, cuz u may need to get rolfed to get this shizzel working correct.

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